Safety regulations for events

Safety regulations for download

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Area of application

These "Safety Regulations" of Braunschweiger Veranstaltungsstätten GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator") apply to the provision of event areas, rooms and halls in and on the grounds of the Stadthalle Braunschweig, the Volkswagen Halle Braunschweig and the Eintracht Stadium (hereinafter referred to as the "Venue"). They are based on the requirements of the Lower Saxony Ordinance on the Construction and Operation of Places of Assembly (NVStättVO) and set out the binding obligations under the law on places of assembly for the staging of events between the operator and the organiser in accordance with the provisions of Section 38 (5) NVStättVO. Service providers of the organiser must be obliged to comply with the safety and fire protection requirements by the organiser.

Additional safety and fire protection requirements for an event may be imposed by the building authority, the fire protection authority, the police and the organiser if the nature or scope of the planned event results in particular risks to persons and property.

Notification and authorisation requirements

2.1 Notification obligations prior to the event
The Organiser is obliged to notify the Operator in writing of all organisational and technical details, the start of the event, the admission times, the end of the event, the layout of the hall(s), rooms and areas no later than 4 weeks prior to the event and to coordinate these with the Operator. The Operator reserves the right to provide the Organiser with an (electronic) data mask for the collection of this data for the exclusive use of this event, in which all necessary event data must be entered. The Organiser reserves the right to transmit this data to the authorities and agencies involved in the event (public order office, police, fire brigade, building regulations office, medical/rescue service and private security service). The data requested by the organiser includes in particular:
- the name and personal contact details of its representative authorised to make decisions who will be present during the event
- whether it will bring along "persons responsible for event technology" who will supervise the set-up and dismantling as well as the event
- the size and arrangement of any stage areas/stage areas to be set up the size and arrangement of any stage areas/stages/stands, catwalks, forestages, podiums and similar structures to be erected
- the expected number of visitors and the expected audience profile
- whether bag and admission checks are planned
- whether stage, studio, lighting or other technical equipment will be brought in
- whether technical equipment will be moved or modified during the event,
- whether mechanical movements or artistic performances will take place in or above the auditorium
- whether fire hazards/pyrotechnical effects, the operation of laser equipment or fog systems are planned (additional authorisation requirements must be observed).
- whether ornaments, decorations/equipment/props/ will be brought in (provide proof of fire protection classes in accordance with the NVStättVO)
- whether a "technical rehearsal" is planned by the organiser prior to the event.
Based on the information provided by the organiser, the operator will carry out a safety assessment in advance of the event, on the basis of which the necessary safety measures and, in particular, the necessity and number of qualified event personnel and external emergency services (fire brigade, medical service, security service) will be planned (see Sections 40 to 43 NVStättVO). If the organiser provides late, incomplete or no information, the operator may assume an increased event risk. All additional costs incurred as a result (e.g. personnel costs for an increased number of security staff) must be borne by the organiser. Incorrect information may lead to the restriction, cancellation or termination of the event.

2.2 Technical rehearsals
When using stage areas with a floor area of more than 200m2 and for guest performance events with their own stage set-up, a non-public technical rehearsal with full stage set-up must always be carried out before the first event, unless this can be dispensed with due to the nature of the event or the extent of the stage set-up (provided it is unobjectionable). The operator shall decide on the basis of the above information under No. 2.1 (in consultation with the building authority) whether the rehearsal can be dispensed with. If this is not the case, the organiser must agree the expected time of the technical rehearsal with the operator in good time.

2.3 Submission of guest performance inspection book
No further technical rehearsal/acceptance is required for guest performance events for which a guest performance inspection book has been issued in accordance with Section 45 NVStättVO. The guest performance inspection book must be submitted by the organiser to the building inspectorate in good time, at least 1 week before the event.

2.4 Approvals and acceptances
Event rooms and areas are made available on the basis of officially approved escape route and seating plans with a specified maximum visitor capacity. Changes to the type of use and deviations from the existing, approved escape route and seating plans, e.g. by changing the arrangement of the seating or the escape route, as well as the erection of tents, podiums, grandstands, special constructions and temporary structures, require the written consent of the operator. Such measures are generally subject to approval under building law and must be approved by the building authority and the fire department.

2.5 Costs of official approvals and acceptances
Upon request, the Operator shall forward building permit applications for changes to the hall layout or for the construction of podiums, platforms and grandstands brought in by the Organiser to the building inspectorate on behalf of and for the account of the Organiser. The costs of the approval procedure will be charged to the organiser. The organiser must provide the operator with all documents required for the approval procedure no later than 6 weeks before the event.
The organiser must submit distribution plans in triplicate in good time (4 weeks) for the planning of an exhibition. These plans must clearly show the aisles and their dimensions, the partition walls and the exits. Any necessary installations for the stands are the responsibility of the organiser, as are any operating costs incurred. The planning and construction of stands are subject to the special requirements of the Assembly Centre Ordinance. They require authorisation from the operator and, in individual cases, from the building supervisory authority.

Responsible persons, external services, domiciliary rights

3.1 Responsibility of the organiser
The organiser is responsible for the event programme and the safe, smooth running of the event. He must ensure that the maximum permitted visitor capacity in the event rooms and event areas provided to him is adhered to. Overcrowding is strictly prohibited. The organiser is responsible for the safety of all decorations, equipment, props, superstructures and installations, suspensions, laid cables and stage, studio and lighting equipment brought into the venue by him or by third parties commissioned by him for the duration of the use of the venue. With regard to all objects and materials brought in, he must comply with the requirements of these safety regulations as well as the operating regulations of the NVStättVO and the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), in particular DGUV-V 17/18 "Event and production venues for scenic performances". It is also the organiser's responsibility to comply with all other laws and regulations applicable to the event, in particular the Youth Protection Act, the Sunday and Public Holidays Act, the Working Hours Act (AZG), the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Non-Smoker Protection Act, the Industrial Code and the provisions of immission control and waste legislation.

The organiser is obliged to observe the existing safety concept for the venue and to implement it in coordination with the operator. If required for the respective event, the Organiser shall be provided with the necessary documents of the security concept (pocket cards for emergencies, etc.) by the Operator for the exclusive use of the Organiser's event. The Operator is entitled to require the Organiser to draw up and implement an event-specific security concept for events with special risks.

3.2 Organiser's representative authorised to make decisions
The Organiser shall appoint a representative authorised to make decisions (see No. 2.1) who shall be present for the entire duration of the event. At the request of the operator, the representative authorised to make decisions must take part in a joint inspection of the venue and familiarise himself with the event rooms, including the escape and rescue routes. At the request of the operator, the representative authorised to make decisions must also take part in a consultation/briefing on the safety regulations to be observed prior to the event. The organiser's authorised representative shall ensure that the event runs smoothly and safely. He/she is obliged to be present during the event, must be available at all times and must coordinate any necessary decisions regarding the safety of visitors with the contact person appointed by the organiser, the authorities and external helpers (fire brigade, police, building authority, public order office, medical service). The event organiser is obliged to cancel the event if a particular hazardous situation involving a specific risk to persons makes this necessary.

3.3 Event organiser
The function of event organiser in accordance with Section 38 (2) and (5) NVStättVO is generally assumed by the operator for the duration of the event. The operator reserves the right to require the organiser to appoint a representative authorised to make decisions to take on the role of event manager for the duration of the event. In this case, the organiser's event manager shall be supported by a competent person appointed by the operator who is authorised to make decisions. The Operator is entitled to pass on to the Organiser the costs arising from the assumption of the function of event manager.

3.4 Persons responsible for event technology, specialists for event technology
The assembly and dismantling of stage, studio and lighting equipment in the Volkswagen Hall, including technical rehearsals, must be managed and supervised by at least one person responsible for event technology. For this purpose, the organiser must provide at least one "person responsible for event technology" in accordance with Section 40 of the NVStättVO and name this person to the operator, submitting a copy of the certificate of competence in accordance with Section 39 (1) sentence 2 of the NVStättVO.
In the Stadthalle Braunschweig and the business areas in the Eintracht Stadium, the tasks of the person responsible for event technology can be performed by a specialist for event technology in accordance with Section 40 (4) of the NVStättVO, unless stage areas with a playing area > 200 m² are set up in the hall. If this is the case, the obligation to appoint at least one person responsible for event technology during the set-up and dismantling phases remains in force.

The person or persons responsible for event technology or the specialists must familiarise themselves with the stage, studio and lighting technology and other technical equipment to be set up in the venue and ensure its safety and functionality, particularly with regard to fire protection, during operation.
At least one person responsible for event technology specialising in stage/studio or hall technology and one person responsible for event technology specialising in lighting must be present during dress rehearsals, events, broadcasts or recordings of events.
Attendance at dress rehearsals, events, broadcasts or recordings of events is not required,
▪ if the safety and functionality of the stage, studio, lighting and other technical facilities of the venue have been checked by the person responsible for event technology and these facilities are not moved or otherwise altered during the event,
▪ if no dangers can arise from the nature or course of the event and another "supervising person" to be appointed by the organiser is familiar with the technical facilities.
▪ The name and certificate of competence of the person responsible for event technology and, if applicable, the "supervising person" (if not identical to the event manager) must be communicated to the Operator in writing upon conclusion of the event contract, but no later than 4 weeks before the event.
At the request of the Organiser, the Operator may, in individual cases, appoint a person responsible for event technology at the expense of the Lessee.

3.5 Responsibility of the Operator
The Operator and the persons appointed by it are entitled and obliged to carry out random checks to ensure that the Organiser complies with the operating regulations of the NVStättVO and the present safety regulations. To this end, they must be granted access to the event rooms and areas at all times.

3.6 Admission, security and stewarding service, tour security
The security and stewarding service is responsible for the tasks specified in the NVStättVO. They are generally appointed by the Operator at the expense of the Organiser via an external service partner approved by the Operator. The organiser may only deploy its own admission, supervisory and security personnel or personnel commissioned by it with the written consent of the operator. The number of security personnel required is determined, among other things, by the type of event, the number of visitors, potential event risks, external threats and any additional requirements of the authorities. The exact number of admission and security staff required will therefore only be communicated by the organiser shortly before the event in question on the basis of the security assessment carried out for the event. As far as possible, the organiser will be informed of the expected number of stewards required on request when the contract is concluded.
If the organiser deploys its own "tour security" as personal security for artists etc., the operator remains authorised to issue instructions in accordance with the provisions of section 3.8.

3.7 Fire brigade (fire safety watch) and medical service
These services shall be notified by the Organiser prior to the event on the basis of the safety assessment carried out for the event. The scope of these services (number of persons to be provided) depends on the type of event, the number of visitors, the event-specific safety regulations and the official regulations in each individual case. The organiser must bear the costs for these services.

3.8 Exercising domiciliary rights
In addition to the Operator, the Organiser exercises domiciliary rights vis-à-vis event visitors and authorised third parties within the rooms and areas made available to it on the basis of these safety regulations and the applicable house and usage regulations. The Operator shall also exercise domiciliary rights vis-à-vis the Organiser and, in addition to the Organiser, vis-à-vis visitors and third parties for the duration of the event rooms and event areas made available. The appointed security staff shall assist in the enforcement of domiciliary rights.
Violations of the house and usage regulations, these safety regulations, event-related legal regulations or official orders must be remedied immediately by the organiser. The operator is entitled to take substitute action at the organiser's expense if the organiser does not take immediate action after being requested to do so. If a substitute performance is not possible or unreasonable, if the Organiser refuses to carry out the substitute performance or refuses to assume the costs, the Operator may, as a last resort, demand that the Organiser vacate and surrender the event areas provided. If the Organiser fails to comply with such a request, the Operator shall be entitled to order the event to be cancelled, including evacuation, and to have it carried out at the expense and risk of the Organiser.

Safety and fire protection operating regulations

4.1 Traffic regulations, escape routes, safety equipment

4.1.1 Driving on the premises
The German Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) apply on the entire premises of the venue. Walking speed must be observed on the entire premises. Driving on the premises with vehicles of any kind is at your own risk. The operator has the right to check the load compartments of motor vehicles and containers carried by persons entering or leaving the premises. Depending on the development of construction and dismantling activities due to other events taking place at the same time, the site may be temporarily closed to motorised traffic.

4.1.2 Forklift trucks and pallet trucks
The use of motorised aids, such as forklift trucks, in the foyer and hall areas by the organiser and the companies commissioned by the organiser is only permitted with the consent of the operator. Exceptions require the prior consent of the organiser. The transport of loads by the organiser with manually operated aids (e.g. pallet trucks) is possible. The organiser or the companies commissioned by the organiser must inform themselves about the permissible floor load-bearing capacity and floor condition before transporting loads in the venue.

4.1.3 Fire brigade movement zones
The access routes and movement areas for the fire brigade marked with no stopping signs must be kept clear at all times. Vehicles and objects parked on escape routes, set-up areas and safety areas can be removed at any time at the owner's expense and risk.

4.1.4 Emergency exits, emergency exits, corridors, aisles
These escape routes must be kept clear at all times. It must be possible to easily open the full width of doors along escape routes from the inside. Escape routes, exit doors, emergency exits and their labelling must not be blocked, covered or otherwise made unrecognisable. Corridors and aisles must not be obstructed at any time during the event by objects placed in them or protruding into them. Corridors and aisles serve as escape routes in the event of danger. Fire and smoke protection doors must not be held open by wedges or other objects.

4.1.5 Seating plan
The approved escape route and seating plans are binding for the layout and seating of the venue. Any changes to the escape route and seating plan must be approved in writing by the operator and regularly require additional approval from the building authorities. Overcrowding of the venue is strictly prohibited. This applies to both seated and standing events.

4.1.6 Safety equipment, spray air system in the auditorium
Fire alarms, hydrants, fire extinguishers and pipes, smoke flaps, trigger points of the smoke extraction systems, smoke detectors, telephones as well as supply and exhaust air openings of the heating and ventilation system, smoke extraction systems, their signs and the green emergency exit signs must be accessible and visible at all times; they must not be blocked, covered or otherwise made unrecognisable.

4.2 Installations and superstructures for events

4.2.1 Technical equipment of the operator
All existing, permanently installed technical building equipment may only be operated by the operator's staff or by contractually authorised service companies associated with the operator. This also applies to all connections to be made to the operator's supply networks (e.g. electricity, water, telecommunications). Unless otherwise agreed, the organiser has no right to demand that the operator removes its own installed technical equipment from the event rooms.

4.2.2 Technical equipment of the Organiser
The technical equipment brought in by the Organiser or the companies commissioned by the Organiser must comply with the generally recognised rules of technology, in particular the requirements of the accident prevention regulations DGUV-V 17 and DGUV-V 3 with regard to safety and functionality. Electrical (switching) systems must not be accessible to visitors and must be adequately secured.
4.2.3 Installations and superstructures, stage areas, special structures
All installations and superstructures in the venue as well as the construction of temporary structures on the venue premises are subject to notification and, if necessary, authorisation. The organiser is responsible for ensuring the safety of all areas used by the organiser, including installations and superstructures. The effect of fire protection equipment (e.g. automatic fire extinguishing equipment, smoke curtains) must not be impaired by installations and superstructures. Installations and superstructures must be designed in such a way that their stability cannot be impaired by dynamic vibrations. The substructure of the floors of podiums, stage areas and grandstands must be made of non-combustible building materials. Highly flammable, burning dripping or toxic gas-forming materials may not be used under any circumstances. DIN 4102 and EN 13501-1 (fire behaviour of building materials and components) must be observed. The submission of an official test certificate on the building material class and the required properties of the material may be requested.

4.2.4 Suspensions
For safety reasons, suspensions on the ceilings and in the supporting structure may only be carried out by qualified specialist personnel. The organiser must notify the operator of any necessary suspensions prior to the event and coordinate them with the operator. Suspensions must be carried out in accordance with the generally recognised rules of technology. The specified load limits must be observed. In cases of doubt, a structural survey of the suspensions will be commissioned at the organiser's expense.

4.2.5 Carpets, floor coverings
Carpets or other floor coverings must be installed in such a way that there is no risk of people slipping, tripping or falling. Carpets and other floor coverings must be laid in an accident-proof manner. Only adhesive tape that can be removed without leaving any residue may be used for fixing. Self-adhesive carpet tiles are not permitted. All materials used must be removed without leaving any residue. The same applies to substances such as oils, greases, paints and similar.

4.2.6 Breakwaters
If standing areas for visitors are arranged in front of stage areas at concert events, the visitor areas must be separated from the stage area by a barrier in such a way that there is an aisle at least 2 metres wide between the stage area and the barrier for security and emergency services. For events with stage areas and less than 5,000 standing places, barriers (breakwaters) must be installed if this is necessary due to the type of event, in particular due to the expected audience profile. The decision on this shall be made by the operator on the basis of a safety assessment, unless an official order is issued. The organiser shall bear the costs of providing, setting up and dismantling breakwaters and any applications for exemption from the authorities.

4.2.7 Admission times, admission gates
For events with row seating, 60 minutes visitor admission time must be scheduled before the start of the event. For all other event formats (free seating/partial seating/standing room), the required admission time before the start of the event is 90 minutes. Visitors must be informed of the admission times in advance. If standing room or free seating is allocated at concert events, admission gates must be set up due to the increased number of visitors.

4.2.8 Glass
Only safety glass may be used for glass constructions. Edges of glass panes must be processed or protected in such a way that there is no risk of injury. All-glass components must be marked at eye level (160cm). For constructions made of glass, the requirements in accordance with the "Technical Rules for the Use of Fall-Proof Glazing (TRAV)" must be complied with.

4.2.9 Bolts, holes, nails
The insertion of bolts and anchors, the hammering of nails and the drilling of holes is prohibited. Shooting bolts is also not permitted. The operator shall decide on exceptions.

4.3 Decorations, equipment, props

4.3.1 Decorations
Materials, decorations and curtains used to decorate the event must be made of at least flame-retardant material (B1 according to DIN 4102 or at least class C according to EN 13501-1). Decorations in necessary corridors, aisles and stairwells (escape routes) must be made of non-combustible materials (A in accordance with DIN 4102 or A1 in accordance with DIN EN 13501-1). Materials that are used repeatedly must be tested again for their low flammability and re-impregnated if necessary. The operator may request the submission of an official test certificate confirming the required properties of the material.
All materials brought in must be kept far enough away from sources of ignition, spotlights and heat sources that they cannot be ignited by them. Decorations must be attached directly to walls, ceilings or furnishings. Decorations hanging (freely) in the room are only permitted if they are at least 2.50 metres away from the floor and the effect of automatic fire extinguishing equipment is not impaired. Decorations made of natural plants may only be in the rooms as long as they are fresh. Bamboo, reeds, hay, straw, bark mulch, peat, (fir) trees without bales or similar materials do not fulfil the aforementioned requirements. The operator shall decide on exceptions in consultation with the competent authority.

4.3.2 Equipment
Equipment that is part of stage and set designs, such as wall, floor and ceiling elements, must be made of at least flame-retardant materials. Corresponding certificates regarding the flame retardancy of objects must be submitted to the operator on request.

4.3.3 Props
Props are stage and set furnishings. These include, in particular, furniture, lights, pictures and crockery. They must be made of at least normally flammable material.
4.3.4 Removal of unauthorised components and materials:
Structures, equipment, furnishings and decorations (materials) brought into the hall that are not approved or do not comply with these technical requirements or the NVStättVO are not permitted to be set up in the venue and must be removed or modified at the expense of the event organiser if necessary. This also applies in the event of substitute performance by the organiser.

4.4 Special fire protection and safety regulations
4.4.1 Open fire, flammable liquids, gases, pyrotechnics
The use of open fire, flammable liquids, gases, pyrotechnic objects, explosive and other highly flammable substances is prohibited. The prohibition does not apply if the use is justified by the nature of the event and the organiser has agreed the necessary fire protection measures with the operator and the responsible authority at least 3 months before the event in each individual case. The use of pyrotechnic articles must be authorised by the authorities and supervised by a suitable person in accordance with explosives legislation.
Proof of the holder of the permit and the certificate of competence must be submitted. The organiser is responsible for obtaining the permit. The costs incurred for the official permits and for securing the event when using pyrotechnic articles shall also be borne by the organiser. Pyrotechnic objects and other fire loads must always be stored outside the venue and may only be stored in designated storage areas in individual cases with the prior authorisation of the operator.

4.4.2 Fire safety watch, fog machines
With the exception of the use of fog machines, a fire safety watch by the fire brigade is required for the use of open fire and other flammable activities. The costs for their deployment shall be borne by the organiser. Notwithstanding the above, the organiser must be notified in good time of the use of fog machines.

4.4.3 Candles, kitchen and warming facilities
The use of candles and similar light sources as table decorations as well as the use of open fire in kitchen facilities intended for this purpose for the preparation of food is only permitted with the consent of the operator ("stored candlelight").

4.4.4 Flammable packaging materials
Flammable packaging materials must be removed from the venue by the organiser without delay. Under no circumstances may packaging materials, waste or residual materials be stored under or on stages, grandstands or platforms.

4.4.5 Vehicles
Vehicles in the venue are always subject to authorisation. Depending on the age of the vehicle, the event and the location, safety measures such as inertisation of fuel tanks, disconnection of batteries and/or the deployment of security guards may be required.

4.4.6 Fire, welding, abrasive cutting work, hot work
All types of "fire and hot work" are prohibited in the venue. Exceptions are only permitted with the prior written authorisation of the operator.

4.4.7 Electrical cables
Electrical cables must be laid in such a way that no dangerous heating can occur (unwound, distributed over a large area and sufficiently ventilated). Possible tripping hazards due to cables, hoses or ramps must be indicated by conspicuous labelling.

4.4.8 Use of balloons, drones and remote-controlled flying objects
The use of balloons filled with safety gas and other flying objects, including drones, in the halls and outdoor areas must be applied for in advance and approved by the operator. The use of flying objects and drones is strictly prohibited while visitors are present in the halls and outdoor exhibition area. The operation of such flying objects must not obstruct or damage safety equipment at any time.

4.5 Occupational safety, health and environmental protection
4.5.1 Occupational safety
All assembly and dismantling work must be carried out in compliance with the applicable occupational safety regulations and accident prevention regulations, in particular DGUV-V 1 "Prevention", DGUV-V3 and DGUV-V17/18 as well as the DGUV information on "Safety at events and productions". The organiser and the companies commissioned by the organiser are themselves responsible for observing the accident prevention regulations and occupational safety regulations. In particular, the organiser and the companies commissioned by the organiser must ensure that their set-up and dismantling work does not endanger other persons present in and on the premises of the venue. Hazardous areas and protective measures (prohibitions and requirements) must be labelled in accordance with ASR A1.3 "Safety and health protection labelling" - even for a short time if necessary. If necessary, the organiser must ensure appropriate coordination to ensure that the work is coordinated. If this is not possible, the organiser must temporarily stop the work and report to the operator.

4.5.2 Loudness, hearing protection
Organisers of music performances where high sound pressure levels (loudness) are to be expected must check on their own responsibility whether and which safety measures are necessary to prevent harm to the audience. By limiting the volume appropriately, it must be ensured that visitors and third parties are not harmed during the event (e.g. risk of hearing loss). As a generally recognised technical rule, DIN 15 905 "Event technology - sound engineering" Part 5: "Measures to prevent hearing damage to the audience due to high sound pressure levels with electro-acoustic sound reinforcement technology". It must be observed by the organiser. The organiser must also provide a sufficient number of hearing protection devices (e.g. earplugs) free of charge and make them available to visitors on request if it cannot be ruled out with certainty that visitors may be harmed by excessive sound pressure levels. This must be clearly indicated in the entrance area of the venue.

4.5.3 Noise protection for residents
The event must not cause any unreasonable noise disturbance for residents in the vicinity of the venue. In the case of music events and events with particular noise development, immission control measurements must be carried out during the event at the expense of the organiser by order of the responsible authorities. Loading and unloading of vehicles in the delivery area of the venue may only be carried out between 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m. when the roller shutter door is closed. If permissible immission control values are exceeded, the event may be restricted or cancelled.

4.5.4 Laser systems
The operation of laser systems is subject to notification and must be agreed with the operator. When operating laser systems, the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance on Artificial Optical Radiation 2006/25 EC/ OStrV, DIN EN 60825-1, DIN EN 12254 and, in the case of show lasers, the requirements of DIN 56912 and DGUV Information 203-036 "Laser equipment for show and projection purposes" must be observed. Class 3R, 3B and 4 laser systems must be reported to the responsible supervisory authority prior to commissioning and, on request, must be inspected by a publicly appointed and sworn expert to ensure that they are safe to use at the organiser's expense. The inspection certificate must be submitted to the organiser prior to the event. The written appointment of a laser safety officer present on site must be enclosed with the notification.

4.5.5 Smoking ban
Smoking is generally prohibited in the venue; the organiser must ensure that the smoking ban is enforced during set-up, dismantling and execution of the event. The smoking ban also includes the use of e-cigarettes.

4.5.6 Dealing with waste
The generation of waste during set-up/dismantling and during the event must be avoided as far as possible in accordance with the principles of the Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act (KrW-/AbfG). Waste that cannot be avoided must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner (recycling before disposal). The organiser is obliged to make an effective contribution to this.
The organiser must ensure that all materials (decorations, packaging, decorations, etc.) as well as installations and structures brought onto the premises and into the venue by him or his contractors are completely removed again at the end of the event. Only substances and materials that cannot be reused (and thus become waste) are to be disposed of via the operator's waste disposal system for a fee. If hazardous waste (waste requiring monitoring) is produced, the operator must be informed immediately and separate disposal must be arranged via the operator's authorised service partners.

4.5.7 Waste water
The disposal of solid or liquid waste via the waste water network (toilets, sewer inlets) is strictly prohibited. When using mobile catering equipment, care must be taken to ensure that fats and oils are collected separately and disposed of separately. Cleaning work must always be carried out with biodegradable products.

4.5.8 Environmental damage
Environmental damage/contamination in and on the premises of the venue (e.g. due to leaking petrol, oil, hazardous substances) must be reported to the operator immediately.